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'An integrative approach for balanced health & wellness'
Is osteopathic treatment safe?Osteopathy has one of the best safety records of any medically related profession. Osteopaths are trained to recognize any condition for which their treatment may not be recommended, and referral to another medical professional is made whenever needed. Different techniques are chosen according to the needs of each individual patient, and safety is always the primeconsideration. The Osteopaths Act (1993) created a regulatory and governing structure similar to those in place for doctors and dentists.
Do I need a referral from my GP?You don't need a GP referral to visit a private osteopath, but many GPs will refer you.
Can I claim on my medical insurance?Yes, the majority of insurance companies now cover osteopathy. It is best to check with your insurers first, as individual policies may have exemptions.
What is the difference between Osteopathy and Physiotherapy?If you go to a physiotherapist with a knee problem, the physiotherapy will treat the knee and surrounding tissues. They may use various pieces of equipment, soft tissue technique and provide an exercise routine. They are often the first line of approach as treatment is available on the NHS. If you go to an Osteopath with a knee problem, as well as looking at the local area, the osteopath will look at the structural mechanics throughout the body to understand how and why the knee problem has arisen. You may find that the oteopath treats your neck to de-stress the knee, producing a resolution in other longer-term problems.
What is the difference between Osteopathy and Chiropractic?Both therapies have a similar root. In 1895, Mr D. Palmer in severe distress, came for treatment in the School of Osteopathy in Kirksville, Missouri. He stayed in one of the student houses over the winter and was treated there. He was so impressed by his progress that he stayed on to study Osteopathy. In 1896 he went home and started his own school of Chiropractic. However, he disagreed with some of A.T. Still’s theories on the principles behind how oteopathy worked. Still believed that a disturbance in motion between parts of the spine or elsewhere in the body caused congestion and disturbed blood supply to nerves and local structures, and that this was the precursor of disease. Palmer believed that displacement of the spine and segments leading to nerve entrapment was the root of all disease. In the different theories lie the different approaches. In Chiropractic, thrusts are used to put vertebrae back into place. In Osteopathy, more gentle movements are used to render motion to an area.
Do you issue off-work certificates (sick notes)?Yes we do. Where appropriate, we issue Off Work Certificates as provided by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC). These are accepted by employers and the DSS for benefit purposes.
Do you write reports for insurance companies and solicitors?Yes, but we do this only in response to a written request from the solicitor or insurance company. An appropriate report fee will be charged for this work.
Does acupuncture hurt?Generally speaking no. Each individual is unique in their particular response to sensory stimulation. The most typical sensations are mild numbness, heaviness, distention and soreness.
What is cosmetic acupuncture?The acupuncturist will insert tiny needles into the facial areas where fine lines are present. This will in turn stimulate a reaction of connective tissue called acid glicosoma. The body recognises the response as an injury. Fibroblasts then lay out collagen as an injury response. The collagen fills into the lines and the excess collagen is then absorbed. The process also stimulates increased blood flow to circulate the area, which in turn,nourishes the affected area.
Is acupuncture safe?In general, acupuncture is safe when performed by a certified acupuncturist.
What is Mesotherapy?Pioneered by the French physician Dr. Michel Pistor in 1952, Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that is widely used in Europe and elsewhere to treat various injuries and medical conditions. This medical specialty targets problem areas with microinjections of conventional or homeopathic medicines, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Tiny "medicinal bullets" are delivered directly into the mesoderm (middle layer of skin) that are highly specific to the condition being treated. Among its many applications, Mesotherapy can be used for the following: Mesotherapy to eliminate cellulite Mesotherapy to promote weight loss Mesotherapy to provide anti-aging benefits Mesotherapy to eliminate localized fat deposits
How long will the result last?Injections are given every 2-3 weeks. Most treatments require multiple sessions, and a full treatment course might take up to 10 treatments. The treatment is long lasting and the results measurable. When the desired effects are achieved, all that is required is general maintenance. Dieting and exercise are strongly encouraged to maintain one's results over the long term.
Is the procedure painful?There is some discomfort. You will feel as if the clinician is pinching you. The discomfort is minor and most patient have the treatment without topical anesthetics.
What will happen after the treatment?Immediately post treatment, you may feel some pain at the treatment site. This is more apparent on the hip area. The discomfort is temporary and will subside within days. There are no long term adverse response to mesotherapy and the product used to treat specific problems.
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